fredag 21 december 2012

Mrs Bumble Bees Friday Speech

Hi Guys 

its me again

Mrs Bumble Bee:))

Guess what??

The world is still here!!!
Some of you might have heard about the Mayan calender and the date of the 21th of december. Some people said the world would collapse this date, and some said

 ... it will be the startdate of a new better era.

Lets celebrate the better times coming:)
The ArtandPlejwomans christmas holiday starts this afternoon. 
I have arranged a flowerpowersurprise for her:)

 I found an old flower in a very bad shape 
in one of the windows.
I thought it might cheer up some in this christmas mixed beauty and return to health:)

I used some christmas decorations and put it  together with the flowers

A small Santa resting in the FlowerPowerJungle

A Hyacinth 
Makes Christmas together with
 Osmonds christmas music complete:)

Follow your Heart
Fly and Flow


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