fredag 23 november 2012

Mrs Bumble Bees Friday Speech

Hi Guys:)

... yes its me again..:)

The one and only
Mrs Bumble Bee.. ta da:)

Bumble bee 
 I feel I need to talk some serious business 
with you!  

Shit, you might think..

but I said shit when I read your minds this week..
well some of them anyway.. 


I read your minds and felt an anxious scary tension of "will I manage" 
in my bumble bee body 

I felt it all over..

Arent you pleased with yourself..

AT ALL???????

Ok some of you seem to be veeeeery very satisfied, but it seems to be a combination of satisfaction only when you have money  

- Am I wrong or am I wright?? 

( I need coffee!!)

What on Earth is happening 
with the human beings.. 

I actually had to sit down and cry for some minutes but then I got angry and then I realized that something really creepy is happening on earth.

I remember one time reading some old documents about  buying a lot of things, good prices, good quality, and pleeenty of labels to choose between..  

But Please!!!! 

How many kinds of honey do you need? 
And cheese, and shoes, and..and..

I eat honey, I rest some, sleep some and for some reason that I dont know the reason of, I have been choosen to talk with you guys now and then

This is my life, and I have never ever any kind of thought in my head saying 

-Am I going to make it? 
Will I have enough money when I retire...

I love you all very much, 
and that is why I want to give you a suggestion..
Those of you who use to buy christmas gifts
...and yet havent started

julgodis tomtar

You... lucky Guys 

- still have the possibility to not start doing it:)

(and the rest of you who already have started,  
give me a call,
 maybe CBT or something 
can work it out:)

Follow your Heart
Fly and Flow

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